10/04/2022 Latest News
Felix Marsh Rimmington FCS 1818-1897
The Forensic Scientist & Chemist of Bradford
Following the huge success of The Chemists Collectables auction in 2021, we are delighted to be offering for auction, the fascinating collection of Felix Marsh Rimmington, who founded the well renowned pharmacy Rimmingtons, of Bridge Street, Bradford, in 1875 which is still trading to this day.
Felix Marsh Rimmington was an extraordinary character, with a career as the community chemist during the day, and a crime investigator and forensic scientist by night, helping the police investigate unexplained deaths, poisonings, murders and providing evidence in court, including the famous ‘Humbug Billy’ Bradford sweets poisoning in 1858 and even a suspected Jack the Ripper murder in Bradford.
His work as a chemist provided him with the ability to produce new treatments and scientific developments that saw him achieve the title of Borough Analyst by the Local Government Board, and Rimmington helped the local authorities enforce the 1875 Sale of Food and Drugs Act, ultimately saving many lives in the 19th century onwards.
Jessica Wall, our principal auctioneer describes ‘the incredible collection of glass bottles, advertising boards, pharmacy jars, microscopes and accessories are some of the best I have ever seen, and I am thrilled to be selling items with such historical intrigue, it is a real treat!’
For more information on the collection and Felix Marsh Rimmington, or to register to receive the catalogue, please contact us.